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Description of Resource

EasyTech and Inquiry. A digital literacy curriculum for grades K-8 that addresses keyboarding, digital citizenship, online safety, computational thinking and coding.


Providing solutions for teachers and schools to prepare students for success in a digital world.

Empower every student with digital literacy, problem-solving and programming skills through a comprehensive, customizable, easy to implement solution.

Beyond Easy’s digital curriculum is easy to implement. Effective, easy-to-follow lessons engage students in critical digital skills including digital literacy, computer coding, keyboarding, online safety, virtual robotics, and more.



Help students excel in the digital world with skills that extend from school to the workforce



Address the digital divide by providing a strong foundation in digital skills to students across all classrooms and schools



Empower teachers with customizable and pre-built lesson plans, plus digital progress reports, so they can focus on the core curriculum



Drive improvements in students’ digital skills with’s proven curriculum in typing, digital fluency and STEM



Leverage 20 years of experience with thousands of districts, tens of thousands of schools and millions of students


Description (RTF)

EasyTech and Inquiry. A digital literacy curriculum for grades K-8 that addresses keyboarding, digital citizenship, online safety, computational thinking and coding.


Providing solutions for teachers and schools to prepare students for success in a digital world.

Empower every student with digital literacy, problem-solving and programming skills through a comprehensive, customizable, easy to implement solution.

Beyond Easy’s digital curriculum is easy to implement. Effective, easy-to-follow lessons engage students in critical digital skills including digital literacy, computer coding, keyboarding, online safety, virtual robotics, and more.



Help students excel in the digital world with skills that extend from school to the workforce



Address the digital divide by providing a strong foundation in digital skills to students across all classrooms and schools



Empower teachers with customizable and pre-built lesson plans, plus digital progress reports, so they can focus on the core curriculum



Drive improvements in students’ digital skills with’s proven curriculum in typing, digital fluency and STEM



Leverage 20 years of experience with thousands of districts, tens of thousands of schools and millions of students


JS Bin

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Description of Resource

Create a website using HTML, CSS, and JS.


JS Bin is an open source collaborative web development debugging tool.

What can JS Bin do?

  • Write code and have it both save in real-time, but also render a full preview in real-time
  • Help debug other people’s JavaScript, HTML or CSS by sharing and editing urls
  • CodeCast - where you share what you’re typing in JS Bin in real-time
  • Remote rendering - view the output of your JS Bin on any device on any platform, updating in real-time
  • Processors, including: coffee-script, LESS, Markdown and Jade.
  • Debug remote Ajax calls


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Create a website in this online editor with HTML, CSS, and JS.


The best place to build, test, and discover front-end code.

CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration.

Computing and ICT in a Nutshell

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Description of Resource

This site has many simulations helpful in understanding various computer science topics taught in high school.

The index has a list of all the topics taught on this site.

Some favorites:

Erase All Kittens

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Description of Resource

Erase All Kittens teaches children to code in a completely new way. Instead of just learning simple concepts, kids can learn professional languages by changing the code of the game, in order to build and fix levels as they play.

  • Super fun gameplay and collectible kittens
  • Real-world skills including HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Builds up confidence, creativity and critical thinking
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